This day also proved to be the worst for the machine, because since i was going in national roads, crossing cities (therefore traffic lights) and with a lot of traffic, often there were periods of stop-and-go. After some 4 hours of this, i was feeling that the clutch was starting to be upset of being used so often. Time to stop for lunch, for another Big Mac (what else should i had choosen).
While i was eating, i watched something that still now, after some months, i cannot find an explanation for it. A Ferrari F50 enters the McDonalds parking, and a guy comes out of it and meets what it seemed his girlfriend for a lunch. Uhh, yeah, this guy really knows how to use his money to make a woman feel special. A guy with a Ferrari that goes to have lunch in McDonalds with a girlfriend, is like giving an Armani suit to an animal treater. Pretty, but completely out of context and useless. Without seeming too racist, i must say that the guy didnt looked at all Italian. Or at least his origins were from another country. It would be mental for a typical italian to do something like this. Honestly, that guy really looked like he lives in the car (meaning he spent all his money in buying a Ferrari)
After my stomach pit-stop, i decided to reconsider my track, in order to avoid all the traffic. I didnt mind if i was going to go in worst roads and take more time, but one thing i was sure. 6 more hours of stop-and-go traffic, i would just damage the car. Therefore, choosed to go by a mountain road. It didnt seemed that long, and for sure without much traffic. So after some two hours more on national roads, bye bye, Alps landscape.