This blog, as the name indicates is fully dedicated to my yellow Fiat 126P EL (aka “Maluch” ), that I bought while in Poland and that after some months I decided to drive to Portugal. And it will be exactly with a report of this trip that I will start in the following posts, because now memories are still fresh. The reason why I decided to write in English instead of my mother tongue – Portuguese – is as a sign of appreciation to all the persons that helped me in this trip, and that without them I couldn’t have done it. Once again, many thanks for your help, specially the mechanic “team”: Ania, Kajtek and Marek :) .
To make it more appealing to the reader I decided to make this report in two ways: what I have done and what a normal person would have done. Maybe at this moment, this is not perfectly clear, but you will understand what I mean a little bit ahead. Otherwise, this would only be interesting for nuts like me that really are crazy for cars.
Good trip, nice travel, let´s hope for the best!!!
My perpective: Completely jealous. Instead of having a completely normal/boring/lazy week, could be having a great experience, about which i would be talking for ages.
Normal perspective: are you crazy? there are more difficult ways of getting yourself killed :)
Grande abraco. Es um sinhor, comos e diz la na minha terra.
Grande Maluch(o)!!!!!!!!! :)
moje gratulacje. niezla podroz. moim osiagnieciem narazie jest wyjazd na wegry na zlot maluchow w przyszlym roku bede smigal do turynu a jak nie wypali to jade do odesy. pozdrawiam i mam nadzieje ze sie spotkamy na jakims zlocie
odesse zrobilem. w tym roku byłem w grecji. na przyszly rok planujemy z Czechami wybrac sie do kazachstanu.... jesli jestes zainteresowany... pisz
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